Find the Mistakes in These 10+ Pics That’ll Take Your Brain for a Mental Hike

As Albert Einstein once said, “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of minds to think.” Considering this, we thought we’d take this opportunity to tickle and stretch your genius brain power. We asked our talented team of illustrators to come up with some creative puzzles; each of them has a hidden mistake or something out of place. Can you figure them all out?

Here at Bright Side, we challenge you to test your observational skills and have some fun along the way.

1. What’s wrong with this picture?

Tap to see the answer

2. Spot the flaw!

Tap to see the answer

3. Which date doesn’t belong?

Tap to see the answer

4. What’s wrong with this picture?

Tap to see the answer

5. Which card doesn’t belong?

Tap to see the answer


6. What doesn’t belong in this picture?

Tap to see the answer

7. What’s wrong with this picture?

Tap to see the answer

8. What doesn’t make sense in this image?

Tap to see the answer

9. What mistake did Bobby make?

Tap to see the answer

10. Bobby is gardening — find what doesn’t belong.

Tap to see the answer

11. Find what doesn’t belong.

Tap to see the answer

12. Find the odd one out!

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