Can You Solve This?

The correct answer to the math puzzle:

The image presents the following equations:

Pair of shoes + Pair of shoes + Pair of shoes = 30
Boy + Boy + Pair of shoes = 20
2 cones + 2 cones + Boy = 13

By calculating, from the first equations it follows that:

Pair of shoes = 10 therefore one shoe = 5
Boy = 5
2 cones = 4 therefore one cone = 2

If you observe the image carefully, the last equation is not so simple, as there is one shoe, one cone, and the boy is wearing 2 shoes and holding 2 cones. Those who rushed to do the calculations and did not notice this detail did not find the correct answer.

So, the last equation is:

Shoe + (boy + 2 shoes + 2 cones) x cone -> 5 + (5+10+4) x 2 = 5 + 19 x 2 = 5 + 38 = 43

The correct answer is 43.

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