Woman Shows How She Eats And Drinks With Massive Lips

Getting a bit of plastic surgery done is fairly common. Some individuals opt for Botox injections or may undergo minor procedures to enhance their appearance and boost their self-confidence. However, there are those who take things to the extreme.

One such person who considers herself a plastic surgery enthusiast is Vienna Würstel. You may have seen pictures of her, as she’s easily recognizable with her 30 mL lips.

Woman Shows How She Eats And Drinks With Massive Lips

Vienna has faced a lot of negative comments online, but she doesn’t let it bother her. She continues to pursue bigger lips and shares her updates on social media with pride.

Even though she loves her large lips, Vienna admits that drinking with them can be a challenge. It’s hard to imagine just how difficult it must be.

Some people have compared Vienna to a duck, but she openly shares details about her lip injections. She explained:

“I’ve had 3CC (3ml), 7CC (7ml), and 7CC (7ml) in previous procedures. Altogether, there’s around 30CC (30ml) in my lips right now, and I hope to have more in the future.”

She also mentioned that she only visits top plastic surgeons for her procedures, believing this makes them safe.

Vienna is open to answering questions, especially about how she manages to eat and drink. She said: “It’s quite hard. Eating goes quite well if you eat something soft. But drinking is [harder] than that.”

When she tries to drink water, she sometimes spills a bit. She explained: “So you can see a droplet got out. But I have to be honest; I could now play the ‘huge lips, I’m so disabled [because of] my lips’ card, but I have these lips and I had to adapt to the changing world I have. I’m getting better with every practice.”

It’s important to know that lip fillers should only be done by professionals. If not, it could lead to serious problems like tissue damage, infections, or even blindness.

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