I Found My Late Mother’s Diary and It Made Me Regret My Whole Life

she didn’t say much, just looked at me with those weary eyes, her face etched with lines of stress and sorrow. “It wasn’t what you think,” she murmured, but I didn’t want to hear her excuses. I stormed out, vowing never to forgive her.

Years were over, and I distanced myself from Mom. I managed to put myself through college, working multiple jobs and scraping by. I built a life for myself, but the resentment toward my mother never faded.

It wasn’t until after mom die:d that I found the truth. Cleaning out her house, I stumbled upon an old, worn-out diary tucked away in a drawer. Curious, I started reading.

As I could remember, my mother’s insatiable greed and frugality cast a long, dark shadow over my childhood.

It made no sense because we weren’t a poor family — in fact, we were far from that. My parents both earned more than enough to provide a comfortable life. My father, Henry, was a regional manager for a popular retail store. And my mother, Lydia, was a nurse. We were fine.

I sat there for hours, crying, clutching the diary to my chest. I had spent so much time hating her, and now it was too late to apologize, too late to tell her I finally understood.

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